Gari Land
Community Highlights

We all imagined ourselves as farmers at least once in our life. The Gari Land brings this opportunity closer to home for those who love farming backed by sustainable methods. A farm land that is commercially viable and specializes in production of a variety of fruits and vegetables.

What does Gari land offer?

  • Gorgeous Rock Gardens
  • Great connectivity to all your agri farms
  • Water harvesting pits
  • Solar Lighting
  • Butterfly Park
  • Blessed with over 20 variety of fruit trees
  • Natural forest in the middle of the city with over 20 variety of trees
  • A medicinal park with herbs, and shrubs with therapeutic properties
  • A Goshala: a farm with milk and other properties

Mother nature has its own way of

bedazzling us with her magical spell.

This goes beyond living.
Gari Land is a wholesome experience
Carefully crafted and positioned to make your days
With mother nature, better than before.

See it to believe it. Believe that you don’t have to accept your lot in life and push for more to always become more responsible towards the planet earth, to become one with nature and its various elements that create us and exist within us. Come and experience Gari Land’s incredible and wholehearted love letter to mother nature and her beautiful breezes, fractal patterns based in every life form, and more importantly the ever-gracious land that you can call your own.


Live in a farm house and take more than you came for

Come closer to the collection of unwavering splendour of nature and steer away from the clamour of the concrete, even for a little while.

The gari land is pleased to present to you only the best adobe within the stone throwing distance from the city. In fact, let’s say within the city with the occasional collection of trees and meadows and grasses as far as your eyesight allows you to.

Nature blesses those who learn to give it back. In abundance and at great length. The fertile piece of ¼ acre of area that allows you to envision the land for your weekend getaways to set a foundation for your retirement life.


Indulge in organic farming fostering to healthy life choices

Health is precious. We are all conscious about our health in one way or the other. Each one of us takes small steps towards wellness. Why limit it to ourselves?

The outside health is as important as ours as the health of the environment goes in conjunction with our health. Gari Land, brought to you by children of nature who hold nature above everything else, allows you to live in a close knit coterie that together nurture environment-friendly farm produce supported by trails, water bodies, and village market.

At Prakruthi, you get to treat farming as not only your interest but profession with experienced farm labourers supporting each step of the way.You will get to see the seeds you put in the ground sprout into crops/vegetables, first hand, in your own plot.


A verdant trail where nature whispers its blessings through winter flowers and fruits.

You can detect fruits and other forms of livestock from a long distance, along with the peaceful water-laden edges of leaves that ooze in the morning.

Gari Land is in sync with over 40 varieties of trees in its forest, and that is just the beginning. In addition to the 40 varieties of trees, it presents over 20 varieties of fruit-bearing trees. The green giants include, star fruit, lemon, Sapota, Guava, Pomegranate, Custard Apple (Seethafal/Rama Gul), Water Apple, Mango, Jackfruit, Amla and Coconut.


Your ephemeral hiatus to homegrown herbs and vegetation.

In a country like India, we take enormous pride in our medicinal traditions. As Indians we have found ways to use herbs in our day to day life. The power of nature and its healing abundance of aromatic and remedial plants and their extracts can be used for culinary and health practices.Gari Land opens the door to a symbolic medicinal park equipped with remedial herbs and plants and plant extracts within the community. With Gari Land, you can have your own herbal garden.


An Aesthetic enclosure with a Butterfly Park

Little is known about butterflies and their contribution to our ecosystem. The beautiful flies with colourful wings do more than we think. Presence of butterflies in your land indicates the land is fertile and attractive. Along with being one of the most beautiful gifts on nature, burretlies like to work as environment police for the ecosystem by reducing carbon dioxide. As you watch the horizon change its colour in Gari Land, get the glimpse of the beautiful butterflies going about their business pollinating flowers on plants you watered so dearly.


The tectonic giants await the rock enthusiasts

Peninsular Gneiss is the kind of rock Bangalore is built on. The rock is one of the oldest in the world. Protector of the earth, savior of life, and host of new life forms. So many names yet, goes unnoticed most of the time. Gari Land takes it upon itself to bring it in the foreground for the world to take notice. The Rock garden is the sight to mull over for as long as you want. The gorgeous park will be available at your service within the property.


Maximum Safety and efficiency ensured here

A community in cahoots with nature to bring a breathable environment and make the natural resources available to one and all through an economic medium.

Wherever you go, ensuring safety is paramount. It becomes the only important thing when you are with your family. Gari Land understands the trepidations and doubts you might have while investing in a new property. The property is fenced with walls from all sides and ensures round the clock security through surveillance cameras and security personnels.

When it comes to the basics, there is a 24 hour supply of water inside the property. There is also efficient rain water harvesting technology that makes the place better and richer when it comes to providing eco-friendly solutions. The place might be serene but ensures great connectivity to metros, buses, and ring roads.


Contact Us

Site Address:
#1446/ Ashirvad Arcade,
3rd Floor 4th T Block,
Jayanagar Bangalore 560041

+91 8884 333654

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